
Welcoming the Ultimate Blog Party 2012

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

Welcome 5 Minutes for Mom’s UBPers!

I’m Leah. Former journalist turned part-time working mom of two. Jack, an insanely active toddler, and Ella, a smiley happy baby. Wife to Justin, a super humorous dad.

A bachelor’s in journalism and career in communications, I breathe to write. My family is my passion. I fancy a challenge. Get high off the outdoors. Enjoy clever parenting. Live the lake-loving, bonfire-relaxing, snowfort-making Michigan life.

Since we hitched, Justin and I’ve driven peddle to the floor. Married in 2008. Homeowners in May 2009. Jack joined October 2009. And Ella November 2011. Always said we’d stroll along, but life’s no perfect walk in the park, right?

Jack is my mini-twin, but Justin’s parallel personality. Desires speed. Craves thrill. Adores the 4-wheeler. Dreams big.

Ella’s more my style. Enjoys peacefulness. Adapts to the flow. Makes friends with anyone. Welcomes sloppy brother kisses. And always laughing about life.

I started Tiny Mitten Secrets (TMS) in June 2011 after realizing the time-consuming treasure hunt it takes to find sustainable kid things without sacrificing stylish standards. I don’t believe in “mom jeans” and love trendy kid stuff. I’m not typical. Nor is my family. Craftiness has uncovered many parent brilliancies shared in TMS.

So, what’s with the name? As 28-ish-year-old mom of two, I have a very small Mommy Club to draw resources from. When I need something, I have to dig.

“Tiny” is for little loves. “Mitten” represents my first ah-ha parenting discovery. During the first Michigan winter with a curious little 18-month-old boy, I needed mittens. I paraded stores. Only discovered fleece, unlined and not resistant to water. A daycare teacher informed me of the zip-up, waterproof, durable mittens found at sporting good stores. Oh, and my family’s rooted in Michigan, a.k.a. the Mitt. And “Secrets” signifies the simple things I’ve uncovered while navigating the maze of parenting without getting trapped in original.

Welcome. Discover. Enjoy!


♥Jess♥ said...

Stopping by from the party!! :) You have a cute family! Great photos.

kathy said...

stopping by from UBP. awesome pics! your kiddos are adorable :)

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from the UBP! I loved getting to read the backstory of your blog title.

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Sounds like you have discovered some great things on your journey. Gotta love that!

Hope you have fun at the party this week and will stop by and say hi when you get a chance!

Gena @ Red Tag Mama said...

Oh my goodness your little ones are beyond precious! I love the thoughtfulness behind the name of your blog. I am stopping by from UBP12 and would love to have you swing by some time too. You can find me at http://redtagmama.com. Lovely to meet you Leah!


Unknown said...

stopping by from the UBP 2012

Cheryl @ handcraftedtravellers said...

Very adorable photos!! I am stopping by via the ultimate blog party, so nice to meet you!

Kelly Stilwell said...

Adorable kiddos! Love the name! Nice to meet you. Hope you'll visit me, too!

Unknown said...

Stopping by from the UBP. I am your newest tiny mitten secrets, too darn cute this little name of yours, follower. I'd love it if you'd come "join the ride" at localsugarhawaii.com. We're a new little blog, but we're a good little blog.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the blog love everyone! I know I won't be getting much work done this afternoon. Too busy reading blogs. Hugs to all!

Unknown said...

Thank you!! I must credit my photographer friend for a few of them.

Unknown said...

Your son is most adorable as well!

Unknown said...

Thank you thank you! I'm always searching for a great bargain, so absolutely love your blog!! Maybe a guest post sometime?

Unknown said...

Thanks Kelly! Love your blog as well, already following!

Unknown said...

Thanks Nicole! Following your blog now to escape the cold here...

PS. Always wanted to live in Hawaii. Super jealous.

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from UBP! Your family is adorable and I can't wait to reach more about your adventures.

Stop by and say hello!

Kate said...

Your family is so cute! I look forward to getting to know you and reading your blog! Stop by and say hi if you get a chance! :)

Dr. Momsie! said...

Beautiful family - I can definitely relate to the peddle to the floor analogy! Cute blog, can't wait to read more. Stop by and say hi at drmomsie.blogspot.com

Dr. Momsie! said...

Beautiful family and such a cute banner! I definitely can relate to the peddle to the floor analogy! Stop by drmomsie.blogspot.com and party with me :

Melissa said...

Your family is adorable! We also hit the ground running. We got married December 2009, pregnant June 2010, moved across the state July 2010 and had our baby girl February of 2011. Now we are on cruise control :)

I am a new follower!

aimymichelle said...

your kids are so cute! hey i am a new follower from the party, i hope you'll follow my blog and comment.

Juliana RW said...

Hi.... I come for the party ^___^ I found your site from UBP 2012. Hope you come to my party post too, http://bit.ly/ubp2012. While you are there, feel free to enter our current giveaway (few of them in cash). Thank you.

Juliana RW

ps: thank you for sharing your photos. all cute :D

Eschelle Westwood Mumfection said...

how lovely it is to meet you and your family!!! you sound just GREAT and I can't wait to get to know you even better!! I am a new follower via the UBP!!

Ms POSH said...

Your kids are so cute!
Stopping by from the UBP to say hello.
Have a great weekend!

A Maui Blog said...

The kids look very adorable! Can't wait to read more of your posts soon. Nice meeting you!

Adelina Priddis said...

oh my goodness, what a cute family!! I'm excited to follow along!

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